


Machine breakdowns due to sudden and unforeseen causes occur very often. Machinery for many businesses is their most important asset and the loss of machinery can even cause the business to close down.


The policy covers 

A comprehensive insurance plan for machinery within the workplace for loss or damage from sudden and unforeseen causes


The policy is addressed 

To owners or renters of industrial machines such as generators, transformers, processing machines, etc.



It covers loss or damage to the machines, as a result of a sudden and unforeseen event that is not excluded and results in the need to repair or replace the machine or part of it.

The policy is an All Risk policy.


Additional covers

Optional covers with additional premium

Coverage of damages for Strikes, Riots, Civil Disturbances

Adjacent Property and Third Party Liability Coverage

Coverage of additional expenses related to a covered claim and required overtime. night work, work on a public holiday

Coverage of air transportation costs

Coverage of the insured items / machinery during their transport within the areas effectively controlled by the Republic of Cyprus



The above information may differ from one Insurance Company to another. Depending on the insurance policy that will be proposed to you, you will get all the relevant information you need, so that you can decide on your own choice. Request our offer today. Based on your own insurance needs and budget, we will choose the right insurance for you.
